Welcome to mixed feelings’ Hyperspecific, a profile series of increasingly intimate questions in which we ask our favorite artists, scientists, musicians, and the like to unveil their innermost selves — their weird existential musings.
To say I have a parasocial relationship with Amanda Quach, aka @virghoexoxo on TikTok is an understatement. In the fantasy world of my mind, we are friends. And I embody her same effortlessness and self-assurance.
But I’m not alone in that. Her comments sections are often a chorus of “I feel like we would be friends :)”, which can only be elicited by kind of people on social media who have a certain special electricity.
I love her aspirational collection of sonny angels and trinkets, her candor re: mental health, her maximal style — all of it. So, we had to ask her to get hyperspecific with us. Enjoy her answers below and then go plan your next solo road trip. — Amalie
Something you’re always hoping people bring up in conversation when you first meet. Their star signs!
A positive trait people always tell you you have. That I’m grounded.
One destructive trait you know you possess and wish you didn’t. Major control issues.
If a bodega were to name a dish after you, what would it be? (Be specific.) A veggie sandwich with extra red onions and kettle cooked chips.
One song that makes you feel understood. “Dreams” by Wendy Lane
Something you think is wildly underrated. Vulnerability!!
A movie you watch when you want to self-soothe. Perks of Being a Wallflower
Your problematic fave artist/actor/musician (and why). Trisha Paytas. No comment.
A line from a TV show/film that plays on a loop in your head. “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game” - A Cinderella Story.
One time you laughed so hard you cried. That one time my friend and I were casting a movie about my life after I got my heart broken. As the options got more unrealistic I was like “if I had to cast a movie about my life, you already know Timothée Chalamet would have to play him”. We agreed, but when we realized the girl he ended up with had to be Kylie Jenner, we lost it. (We have no idea what she looks like lol. This is how I cope.)
One time you cried so hard you laughed. When I cried over said heartbreak, looked in the mirror, and realized I was way too pretty to be crying over a man.
Random thing you hate so much for no apparent reason. When people give me advice I didn’t ask for.

What’s an anecdote you usually tell to describe how you were as a kid? I liked drinking out of glass cups because it made me feel more grown when I was little. I kept using them even though they’d always end up shattered on the floor.
What is your low-key hell and actual heaven? My low-key hell is any type of appointment. It doesn’t matter if it’s the dentist or a facial — anything I have to schedule myself AND be on time for scares me. My actual heaven is traveling alone to a different state. There’s nothing better than grounding yourself while exploring a place you’ve never been to.
Share a quote of one of the most meaningful things someone has ever said to you, context optional. I get this every now and then, but sometimes people tell me I’ve inspired them to be themselves. It took me a long time to get to where I am. To be able to share what I’ve learned with others on this journey is a feeling like no other.
The age you most loved being and the age you’re most looking forward to. 21 was pretty fun, but I’m honestly looking forward to my 30s. I feel like I’ll care a lot less by then.
How you exit a party. Say a collective goodbye with no hugs.
How you wanna go (either un-seriously or seriously). In a quiet home immersed in nature, surrounded by people who love me.
being called “grounded” and being an earth sign is so real