dear mfers,
Maybe unsurprisingly, I’ve always considered myself better at the softer skills in life than the harder ones. That is, until my erratic need to pose questions and hypothetical scenarios was turned into a back-handed comment on a date: “You seem like one of those people who likes conversation card games.”
Over the course of the night, he would proceed to compare me to Zooey Deschanel from 500 Days Of Summer (obviously pejoratively), call my TV shitty, and insult my ability to hold basic conversation — all red flags I overlooked because he was kinda hot. It’s been months since that date and I keep thinking: What is so awful about being someone who likes conversation games?
At their worst they’re a crutch to keep conversation going for the socially anxious among us, at their best they are a fun way to deepen conversation and get out of small talk purgatory. For me, they’re a little bit of both. Last month, 60 people who feel that same way gathered at Ace Hotel Brooklyn for mixed feelings’ inaugural “Speed Friending” night of debauchery, snacks, and the best part — “structured play.”
For those of you who couldn’t make it, here’s a taste of our speed friending questions. We’re very proud of these!!!
What celebrity do you think you could pull in real life?
What’s something about yourself that you told too many people and probably shouldn’t have?
What’s a red flag you let pass because they were hot? (See above.)
It was our first speed friending event, but absolutely won’t be our last. Keep tabs on our socials to get tickets to the next one, (we sold out not once, but twice in February!) and be first to know for other mixed feelings events.
A huge shoutout is in order for Sam Speedy, our social editor and in-house comedian who served as MC for the evening. Huge thanks to our incredible sponsors, as well: Hello Fresh, Edie Parker Flower, Joya Studio, Rupee Beer, Poppi, Vivanterre, Lesser Evil, Vibes, and Juneshine. Last but not least — a large bisous merci to Ace Hotel which was the perfect space for the night. (Incidentally, they have the most kind and generous team on the planet, too.)
Now, here I am ending the recap with a smattering of photos to get you excited for the next one, courtesy of photographer Addison Labar and our social producer Anastasia’s digicam 💓.
Xo, Mi-Anne

What do you mean no comments to this article?! Excuse me?! Let me fix this. First of all, 500 days of summer is great and boooo to those who use it pejoratively. Second, please, watch the intro to 'What if' also called 'the F word' depending on the country and the year... it's that movie with Harry Potter where in the first 5 minutes has the.best.conversation with a stranger. Goals.