I've noticed something that's starting to feel consistent with my new partner: they hold really strong opinions about art/movies/music/books I like, in some cases not even being willing to give certain things a chance...A few weeks ago I lent them a book and they told me not to be disappointed if they never finished it. They hadn't so much as read the first page. Then I showed them a movie I loved and about 20 minutes in they had me pause it and told me they didn't want to continue watching because they weren't enjoying it. A few weeks later I thought about showing them one of my favorite all-time movies, again, and just gave up preemptively because I didn't want to face this kind of rejection.
Sometimes with these asks I feel as though there's a base-level incompatibility where things are subtle enough that people don't feel "justified" in breaking up so they start picking at the cracks of the relationship until it splits enough for an "acceptable" breakup.
Sometimes with these asks I feel as though there's a base-level incompatibility where things are subtle enough that people don't feel "justified" in breaking up so they start picking at the cracks of the relationship until it splits enough for an "acceptable" breakup.